I go by the name of Tuffy or Clover (She/Her, He /Him). My birthday is on the 16th of April and I'm Latin American; my native language is spanish.
I also have GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), so if I show some type of obsessive behavior towards something or extreme perfectionism, my apologies.
I am an illustrator and hobbyist animator, I focus on digital drawing but sometimes I like drawing on traditional/physical. Very much interested in graphic content revolving violence.

My art consist of digital mostly, generally contains violent topics such as blood or gore, body horror. But of course that is not the only things that I do. I use Paint Tool Sai for illustrations, and Flipaclip and OpenToonz to animate (I did the GIFs in this page with it). Though I'm still very amateur on the latter.
My work will often be related to fandoms or already existing content since I have a lot of fan characters, I do have some original characters I can draw once in a while.
As for commission purposes, I always try to be open and very flexible with dates and such. In my art, what I care the most is quality and that the work I deliver is sufficient and satisfactory not only for the customer, but also for my public!

Madness Combat.

Twilight Princess (Wii Speedrun)

Hollow Knight.

Shadow of the Colossus.